Paxtrade Partners Limited
UK Company 07411284

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Fast and easy way to earn money by
making secure and safe investments
of your actives.

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10% After 24 Hours
Min Deposit: - 100 USD
Max Deposit: - 4,999 USD
20% After 48 Hours
Min Deposit: - 5,000 USD
Max Deposit: - 10,999 USD
38% After 72 Hours
Min Deposit: - 11,000 USD
Max Deposit: - 49,999 USD
52% After 120 Hours
Min Deposit - 50,000 USD
Max Deposit: - Unlimited USD

Paxtrade Partners Ltd Introductory Video

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$ 2973301.16
Total deposited
$ 4603950
Total withdrawals
Running Days
Visitors Online

who we are?

Paxtrade Partners Limited is engaged in trading activities on the crypto-currency market. The company's income is generated by successfully executed trades on the currency market.

The Company is well financed and management has a wealth of experience in all aspects of mineral exploration and development. Paxtrade Partners Limited is also a place to invest and earn profits with stable percent.

e-mail address:
Company # 07411284
Geotrust Ev ssl
Security: business identity authentication, strong 256-bit encryption
Assurance: $1.5M USD warranty

what do we offer?

Fast Withdrawal
24/7 Support Service
Guaranteed Fixed Income
Highly Qualified Traders